Container Services

At Deadfront Industries, we take pride in offering state-of-the-art container services designed to help you deploy, manage, and scale your applications effortlessly. Our comprehensive platform supports a wide range of cutting-edge technologies, including Docker, Docker Swarm, Rancher, OpenShift, Portainer, Kubernetes, and even web-based GUIs for OS containers. Our platform has been meticulously built with a strong focus on security and isolation, ensuring a reliable, robust, and secure environment for your containerized applications.

Our container services are tailored to meet the diverse needs of our customers, providing a high degree of flexibility and adaptability. This allows you to select the best container or container management platform to suit your specific requirements, ensuring that your applications can be deployed, managed, and scaled effectively. We understand the importance of providing a seamless experience for our customers, and our team of experts is dedicated to offering unparalleled support and assistance throughout the entire container lifecycle, from initial deployment to ongoing management and scaling.

With our extensive range of container and container management platforms, Deadfront Industries is committed to providing our customers with the flexibility, scalability, and reliability they need to effectively deploy, manage, and scale their containerized applications. In addition, we continuously stay up to date with the latest trends and advancements in container technology, allowing us to provide you with access to the most innovative and effective solutions on the market. This ensures that you have the tools and resources necessary to stay ahead of the competition and drive your business forward.

Deadfront Industries is dedicated to helping you achieve success with your containerized applications, offering a comprehensive range of services and support to ensure that you get the most out of your investment. Contact us today to discuss your container service requirements and discover how Deadfront Industries can help you succeed in the world of containers.


Deadfront Industries is committed to providing comprehensive Docker support, allowing you to effortlessly package and distribute your applications in lightweight, portable containers. Docker has revolutionized the way applications are built, shipped, and executed by introducing an extensive ecosystem and a wide array of tools that simplify the entire process. By offering full support for Docker, Deadfront Industries ensures that you can take advantage of these cutting-edge technologies and deploy your containerized applications with maximum efficiency. Explore the official Docker documentation to learn more about its powerful features and capabilities.

Docker enables the seamless creation of container images, which are lightweight, standalone, and executable software packages that include everything required to run a piece of software, such as the code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings. By leveraging Docker's containerization technology, you can ensure that your applications run consistently across different environments, eliminating the "it works on my machine" problem and accelerating the development and deployment process.

Furthermore, Docker's extensive ecosystem includes a wide range of tools and integrations that streamline various aspects of the container lifecycle, such as building, storing, deploying, and managing containerized applications. Docker Compose, for example, simplifies the process of defining and running multi-container applications, while Docker Hub serves as a centralized platform for sharing and distributing container images, both public and private.

Deadfront Industries is dedicated to providing you with the support and expertise required to effectively leverage Docker's capabilities. We understand that managing containerized applications at scale can be challenging, which is why we offer tailored solutions and guidance to help you navigate the complexities of the Docker ecosystem. Our team of experts is well-versed in Docker best practices and can assist you in optimizing your application infrastructure, ensuring that you can fully harness the power of Docker and its associated tools.

By choosing Deadfront Industries as your container services provider, you can be confident that you're partnering with a company that understands the importance of efficient container management and is committed to helping you achieve success with your Docker-based applications. Contact us today to learn more about how Deadfront Industries can support your Docker journey and help you optimize your containerized applications for scalability and performance.

Docker Swarm

Docker Swarm is a native clustering and orchestration tool for Docker, designed to facilitate the creation and management of a swarm of Docker nodes and deploy services across them. With Docker Swarm, you can easily achieve high availability and scalability for your containerized applications, making it an ideal choice for managing complex, distributed systems. As part of Deadfront Industries' comprehensive container services, we are proud to offer full support for Docker Swarm, empowering our customers to take advantage of its advanced capabilities and features. To gain a deeper understanding of Docker Swarm's features and functionality, we encourage you to explore the official Docker Swarm documentation.

Docker Swarm is built on the core concepts of services and tasks, enabling you to define your application's desired state and allowing the swarm to automatically manage the underlying container infrastructure to achieve that state. Services are the fundamental building blocks of a Docker Swarm cluster and can be thought of as a specification for how a particular container should run, while tasks represent individual containers running the specified service. This approach simplifies the process of deploying and scaling containerized applications, as you can easily update the desired state of a service, and Docker Swarm takes care of the rest.

One of the key advantages of Docker Swarm is its seamless integration with the Docker ecosystem, allowing you to leverage existing Docker tools, images, and workflows to build and manage your swarm. This ensures that you can easily migrate your existing Docker applications to a Docker Swarm cluster without any significant changes to your development or deployment processes. Additionally, Docker Swarm provides built-in load balancing, rolling updates, and rollbacks, making it easy to manage the deployment and scaling of your services.

At Deadfront Industries, our team of experts is well-versed in the intricacies of Docker Swarm and can provide you with the guidance and support you need to successfully implement and manage your swarm clusters. Our commitment to customer success and deep understanding of containerization technologies means that you can rely on us for the best possible Docker Swarm experience, tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

By choosing Deadfront Industries as your container services provider, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that will help you unlock the full potential of Docker Swarm and elevate your container management capabilities to new heights. Contact us today to learn more about how Deadfront Industries can support your Docker Swarm journey and help you optimize your containerized applications for scalability, performance, and reliability.


For customers seeking a versatile, powerful, and user-friendly container management platform, Deadfront Industries proudly offers integration with Rancher. Rancher is a comprehensive container management platform that supports a variety of container orchestration frameworks, including Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and its own native framework, Rancher Cattle. With Rancher, deploying and managing containerized applications and Kubernetes clusters becomes a streamlined, efficient process, making it an excellent choice for organizations of all sizes and industries. To learn more about how Deadfront Industries and Rancher can work together to optimize your container management experience, we encourage you to visit the official Rancher documentation.

Rancher provides a centralized management console that enables you to manage and monitor your container infrastructure, regardless of the underlying orchestration framework. Its intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) simplifies container management tasks, such as deploying, scaling, and updating applications, as well as managing networking, storage, and access control policies. Rancher also includes built-in support for multi-cloud and hybrid cloud deployments, giving you the flexibility to run your containerized applications across a variety of public and private cloud platforms, as well as on-premises infrastructure.

One of the key advantages of Rancher is its ability to support multiple Kubernetes clusters from a single management console, making it easier to manage complex, multi-tenant environments. Rancher's multi-cluster management capabilities allow you to create, import, and manage Kubernetes clusters across different infrastructure providers, while maintaining centralized visibility, control, and governance. This enables you to simplify the deployment and management of your containerized applications while ensuring that they remain secure, compliant, and highly available.

In addition to its powerful container management features, Rancher also offers a rich catalog of pre-built application templates, allowing you to quickly deploy popular applications and services with just a few clicks. This integrated catalog includes a wide range of applications, such as databases, monitoring tools, content management systems, and more, making it easy for you to extend the functionality of your containerized applications and accelerate your development process.

At Deadfront Industries, our team of experienced professionals is well-versed in the Rancher platform and can provide you with the guidance and support you need to successfully implement and manage your Rancher-based container infrastructure. Our commitment to customer success and our deep understanding of containerization technologies means that you can rely on us for the best possible Rancher experience, tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

By choosing Deadfront Industries as your container services provider, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that will help you unlock the full potential of Rancher and elevate your container management capabilities to new heights. Contact us today to learn more about how Deadfront Industries can support your Rancher journey and help you optimize your containerized applications for scalability, performance, and reliability.


Deadfront Industries is proud to offer support for OpenShift, a powerful and feature-rich container application platform developed by Red Hat. Built on top of Kubernetes, OpenShift extends the capabilities of Kubernetes by providing additional features such as built-in Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, automation, and a comprehensive web console for managing containerized applications. OpenShift is ideal for organizations that require a fully integrated, enterprise-grade container orchestration solution with a strong emphasis on developer productivity, operational efficiency, and security. By offering OpenShift as part of our container services, Deadfront Industries ensures that our customers have access to cutting-edge tools for managing and scaling their containerized applications. To learn more about OpenShift's features and how Deadfront Industries incorporates them into our container services, we encourage you to visit the official OpenShift documentation.

One of the key advantages of OpenShift is its developer-centric approach, which streamlines the development and deployment process for containerized applications. OpenShift's Source-to-Image (S2I) feature simplifies the process of building and deploying container images from application source code, allowing developers to focus on writing code while OpenShift handles the complexities of building, deploying, and scaling containerized applications. Furthermore, OpenShift's integrated CI/CD pipelines help automate the process of testing, building, and deploying applications, ensuring that your applications are always up-to-date and running smoothly.

OpenShift also offers robust security features, including built-in container isolation, role-based access control (RBAC), and secure container image management. These security features help protect your applications from unauthorized access, vulnerabilities, and other threats, ensuring that your containerized applications remain safe and compliant. Additionally, OpenShift provides extensive monitoring and logging capabilities, giving you complete visibility into the performance, health, and security of your containerized applications and the underlying infrastructure.

Another notable feature of OpenShift is its support for multi-tenancy, which allows you to run multiple, isolated applications and environments on a single cluster. This makes it possible to efficiently manage and allocate resources among different teams and applications, ensuring that each team has the necessary resources and isolation to work effectively. This multi-tenant architecture not only improves resource utilization but also reduces operational overhead, as you can manage all your applications and environments from a single, centralized platform.

At Deadfront Industries, our team of experts is well-versed in the OpenShift platform and can provide you with the guidance, support, and expertise you need to successfully implement and manage your OpenShift-based container infrastructure. Our commitment to customer success, coupled with our deep understanding of containerization technologies, means that you can rely on us for the best possible OpenShift experience, tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

By choosing Deadfront Industries as your container services provider, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that will help you unlock the full potential of OpenShift and elevate your container management capabilities to new heights. Contact us today to learn more about how Deadfront Industries can support your OpenShift journey and help you optimize your containerized applications for scalability, performance, and reliability.


Portainer is a powerful and user-friendly container management solution that allows you to seamlessly manage your Docker and Kubernetes environments through an intuitive web-based interface. Deadfront Industries is proud to offer Portainer as part of our comprehensive container services, providing our customers with an easy-to-use and versatile platform for deploying, monitoring, and controlling their containerized applications. To gain a deeper understanding of Portainer's features and capabilities, we encourage you to explore the official Portainer documentation.

One of the key strengths of Portainer is its simplicity and ease of use, which makes it an ideal choice for users who are new to containerization or prefer a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing their container environments. Portainer's intuitive dashboard provides a clear overview of your containers, images, networks, and volumes, enabling you to easily manage all aspects of your container infrastructure. Portainer also offers a streamlined deployment process, allowing you to create new containers and services with just a few clicks. Moreover, Portainer supports both standalone Docker instances and Swarm clusters, ensuring that you can manage your container infrastructure regardless of its complexity or scale.

Portainer also includes a comprehensive set of features for monitoring and troubleshooting your containerized applications, such as real-time resource usage statistics, logs, and event streams. These features help you gain insights into the performance and health of your applications, enabling you to proactively identify and resolve potential issues before they escalate into critical problems. Additionally, Portainer provides a built-in terminal for accessing your containers, making it easy to perform maintenance tasks and troubleshoot issues directly from the web interface.

Another notable feature of Portainer is its support for managing Kubernetes environments. Portainer's Kubernetes management capabilities enable you to deploy, scale, and monitor your Kubernetes applications with ease, all from the same intuitive web interface that you use to manage your Docker environments. Portainer also supports role-based access control (RBAC) for Kubernetes, allowing you to define granular permissions for your team members and ensuring that they only have access to the resources and actions that are relevant to their roles.

Portainer also offers a rich ecosystem of extensions and integrations, enabling you to customize and extend the platform to suit your specific needs and requirements. With Portainer's extensive API, you can easily integrate it with other tools and services in your container stack, such as CI/CD pipelines, monitoring systems, and security solutions. This flexibility ensures that Portainer can seamlessly adapt to your existing workflows and processes, providing a unified and consistent container management experience across your organization.

At Deadfront Industries, we are committed to helping our customers achieve success with their containerized applications, and our support for Portainer is a testament to this commitment. Our team of experts is well-versed in the Portainer platform and can provide you with the guidance, support, and expertise you need to successfully implement and manage your Portainer-based container infrastructure. Whether you are new to containerization or an experienced user looking for a more user-friendly management solution, Portainer and Deadfront Industries have got you covered.

To learn more about how Deadfront Industries can help you harness the power of Portainer and optimize your container management experience, contact us today.


Deadfront Industries is proud to offer extensive support for Kubernetes, the industry-leading container orchestration platform that has become the standard for managing and scaling containerized applications. Developed by Google and now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), Kubernetes has gained widespread adoption due to its powerful features, flexibility, and robustness. It automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, ensuring that your applications are highly available, responsive, and can adapt to changing demands. To gain a deeper understanding of Kubernetes and its capabilities, we invite you to visit the official documentation.

One of the primary benefits of using Kubernetes is its ability to ensure that your applications are running reliably and securely at all times. Kubernetes achieves this by automatically monitoring the health of your applications and making decisions based on their current state. For example, if a container fails or becomes unresponsive, Kubernetes can automatically restart the container or reschedule it to another node, ensuring minimal downtime and consistent performance. This self-healing capability is a critical aspect of Kubernetes that makes it an ideal choice for organizations that require high availability and reliability from their containerized applications.

Kubernetes also excels at managing the scaling of your applications, allowing you to adapt to changing demands quickly and efficiently. With Kubernetes, you can easily scale your applications both horizontally and vertically, adding or removing containers as needed to handle fluctuations in user traffic and resource utilization. Kubernetes also supports autoscaling, which automatically adjusts the number of containers based on predefined metrics and thresholds, ensuring that your applications always have the right amount of resources to meet their current needs.

Another significant advantage of Kubernetes is its extensive support for a wide range of container runtimes, storage solutions, and networking plugins. This versatility allows you to choose the best tools and technologies for your specific use case, ensuring that your containerized applications are running in an optimal environment. Additionally, Kubernetes supports a rich ecosystem of add-ons and extensions, enabling you to customize and enhance the platform to suit your unique requirements and workflows. This flexibility makes Kubernetes a highly adaptable and future-proof solution for managing your containerized applications.

Deadfront Industries' Kubernetes support includes expert guidance, professional services, and tailored solutions to help you successfully implement and manage your Kubernetes-based container infrastructure. Our team of Kubernetes specialists has the expertise and experience to help you navigate the complexities of Kubernetes, ensuring that you can fully harness its power to optimize your application deployments and maximize efficiency. From initial setup and configuration to ongoing management and maintenance, Deadfront Industries is your trusted partner for all things Kubernetes.

To learn more about how Deadfront Industries can help you leverage the power of Kubernetes to optimize your containerized application deployments, contact us today.

Built-in Isolation

At Deadfront Industries, we understand the importance of security and stability for your containerized applications. Our container platform is meticulously designed and engineered with security as a top priority, ensuring that your applications are protected and your data remains confidential. We achieve this by leveraging cutting-edge container isolation features, which work to separate and isolate your applications from each other. This approach ensures that the activities of one container do not negatively impact the performance or security of other containers running on the same system. As highlighted in the Containers section of our homepage, this focus on security and isolation provides increased stability and peace of mind for our customers.

One of the key technologies that we utilize to implement container isolation is the use of namespaces. Namespaces provide a way to limit the visibility and access of system resources to individual containers, effectively segregating them from one another. This isolation ensures that each container has its own isolated environment, preventing any unauthorized access or interference between containers. In addition to namespaces, our container platform also employs other security features such as cgroups and seccomp, which further enhance the isolation and resource management capabilities of our platform.

Another critical aspect of security in our container platform is the implementation of strict access controls and authentication mechanisms. We understand that controlling access to your containerized applications is essential for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your data. That's why we provide role-based access control (RBAC) and integration with enterprise authentication systems such as LDAP and OAuth, allowing you to manage access to your applications with precision and ease. This comprehensive approach to access control ensures that only authorized users can access and manage your containerized applications, preventing unauthorized access and potential data breaches.

Beyond container isolation and access controls, our container platform also includes built-in support for vulnerability scanning and security monitoring. By integrating with leading security tools, we enable you to continuously monitor your container images and runtime environments for potential vulnerabilities and threats. This proactive approach to security helps you identify and remediate potential issues before they can be exploited, ensuring that your containerized applications remain secure and compliant with industry best practices.

At Deadfront Industries, we are committed to delivering a container platform that offers both exceptional performance and robust security. By incorporating advanced container isolation features, strict access controls, and comprehensive security monitoring, we provide a secure and stable environment for your containerized applications. If you would like to learn more about how Deadfront Industries can help you secure your containerized applications, contact us today.

Support for Web-based GUIs for OS Containers

At Deadfront Industries, we provide container services that support web-based graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for operating system containers. This feature gives users an interface similar to VNC and allows them to easily access and manage their containerized operating systems through a user-friendly web interface, simplifying and streamlining the management process.

Our container services support popular web-based GUIs for Linux such as GNOME, Xfce, and KDE. These GUIs enable users to manage containers using a web browser, giving them access to the container's desktop environment through the browser. For example, the GNOME web-based GUI provides an interface for managing applications, files, and settings in the container.

In addition to supporting Linux-based containers, we also support Windows-based containers through tools such as PowerShell and Windows Admin Center. These tools allow users to manage Windows-based containers using a web browser, providing a similar experience to managing Linux-based containers. With this feature, users can effortlessly access and manage their containerized operating systems through a user-friendly web interface, simplifying and streamlining the management process.

The web-based GUIs provided by Deadfront Industries enable users to manage containers from anywhere with an internet connection, making it more convenient to manage multiple containers and reducing the need for complex command-line interfaces. This feature is especially useful for remote work or managing containers across different locations. By providing web-based GUIs for OS containers, Deadfront Industries prioritizes clients' ease and convenience, and the services make managing containers more efficient by reducing the need for physical access to containers.

Our container services with web-based GUIs are the perfect solution for businesses and organizations that manage multiple containers. The web-based GUI support not only simplifies the management process but also makes it more efficient by reducing the need for physical access to containers. At Deadfront Industries, we prioritize our clients' ease and convenience, and our container services with web-based GUIs are one way we deliver on that promise.